Last night at 8 o'clock Frank G. Ward of Marlin was married to Mrs. Georgia Oaks Jones of Perry. The ceremony took place at the residence of Judge and Mrs. S. R. Scott, Mrs. Scott being a sister of Mr. Ward. Jodge Scott officiated. No cards.

Mr. Ward is a successful young business man of Falls county, and his bride is one of the popular young ladies of that county. She is the daughter of Al Oakes, one of the leading planters and citizens of our neighboring county. They left last night for San Antonio, and thence for Mexico, where the honeymoon will be spent. On their return they will reside at Perry.--Waco Star.

The marriage, though not unexpected by their friends, is nevertheless a pleasant surprise to their many friends who will extend sincere congratulations.

The Daily Democrat, Friday Dec. 20, 1907, page 5, column 3

Reprinted with permission, of The Marlin Democrat
Lois Cooper
P. O. Box 112
Marlin, Texas 76661

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